Prophecy spoken on Friday, May 15, 2020
Topics: The United States, The Heartland, Nashville, the American Dream
Watch the prophecy here on youtube!
(vision notes: At the beginning, I (Enrique) saw fire. The light that’s going to increase is the light of fire. Psalm 27:1 I also saw the enemies of this nation stumbling and falling.)
Fire increase, fire increase in me! Fire increase, fire increase in me!
The Lord says, I’m coming to the coasts of this country! I come to shut the doors! I come to shut the doors of the ears! Of the ears! To not listen to other voices in and around the world! To not listen to the voices around the world.
I’m shutting the ears of America. Not the ears of compassion! Not the ears of compassion. But the ears that begin to hear voices of orders, orders that come from other places! Orders that I have not put in this country! I’m shutting the ears! Many people will want to take their hands off the ears! To hear the voices that are speaking around the world.
And I’m opening the heart gate, to hear my voice, to hear my voice, from the highest office in the land! The voice over the waters! The voice over the many waters! (Psalms) For America to begin to hear my voice again, from the highest to the lowest, from the great to the small! My voice is becoming clear! And it’s shattering! It’s shattering the fear! For when I begin to speak, a great peace and confidence will begin to come!
I’m shutting the doors, I’m shutting the gates! Of the opinions of others! Of what this nation should be! Of what this nation should be! Of what this nation should do! For I have an agenda over this nation! I have a plan! From East to West! From North to South! I’m opening up the ear gates! They’re going to begin to hear from my voice! They will begin to grow hungry for, they will begin to grow hungry for, for what they are hearing! The voices of my people will begin to rise, just as the sound of a fire begins to increase, begins to raise! The voice of my people begins to rise, and the people of the nation begin to hear!
I am opening the mouths of many that have been shut! They will begin to speak my plans for this nation. They will begin to prophecy the plans for every city in this land! America will not be taken over! America will be taken over by the kingdom of the Lord!
Yes, there is a taking over! Yes, there is taking over! It is not of your enemies, it is of Me! I will have your heart again! I will have your heart again! I will have your heart again! I am going to have My heart again from this nation!
I will have your heart again! From the middle part of this nation, the central part of this nation, I will have their heart again! Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri! Kansas! Illinois! Oklahoma! I will have My heart!
It’s not from the coasts! It’s not from the states of the ends of America! On the edge! It’s from the center of this country! The noise that’s going on on the East Coast, the noise that’s going on on the West Coast, I am bringing it down!
(vision notes: I (Enrique) saw the noise that is going on in New York and New England, the noise in the East Coast and the noise in California, the west coast, is coming down as well. The heartbeat of America begins to be heard again. The heart of the central part of the nation begins to be heard.)
But my heart, but my heart, will be heard beating, in the central part of this nation! The heart beat of America!
I am pulling the strings of your heart! I am pulling the strings of your heart! I am pulling the strings of your heart! I am pulling the streets of your heart, Nashville, Tenessee! I’m pulling them! For I am going to get a new sound! I’m going to get a new sound out of you! For Me! I am pulling the strings, like the strings of an instrument! I am pulling the strings! For I am going to begin to play a new song! Like I did with David long ago! And I began to play the strings of his heart, and Israel began to hear! Hear a new song! I began to reveal my face, my face! The beauty of My face! I am going to restore the face of this nation! When they turn to Me.
They will begin to see me again. They will see Me again. They will see Me again.
See me again! Behold my beauty again! Behold my beauty again!
(I (Enrique) saw the strings being pulled (stretched) like the strings of a guitar. Representing the strings of the heart of the nation, being pulled/stretched, and put on an instrument to be played, and a new song to be heard. I saw Nashville, the capital of country music. God’s going to rise up a new sound out of the central part of this nation.)
(The confusion and the despair of the face of many of the central part of the US, those in charge of the fields and the cattle, the breadbasket of the nation, the despair and the confusion about what’s going on is going to fall off their face. And the face of this nation will be restored. The face is not from the East or the West, but from the central part of the country. I will restore the dream of America.)
America! I will restore your face. I will restore your face! I will restore your name.
I will take away the confusion upon your face. I will take the despair away. And I will restore your strength again.
So we say, 100 times, 100 for 1. You will increase. You will exceed! America, listen! You will increase! You will exceed! They will shake their heads, in disbelief. They will shake their heads. How is it possible? How is it possible? To come out of such a deep hole?
As brothers sold their own brother, even in the nation itself, there has been a selling off of people. The brothers were in disbelief when they saw Joseph on the throne, totally in amazement. They said, we can’t believe it’s you. We thought you’d died.
America, we thought we’d never see you again, we thought we got rid of you, we thought you’d died. But I am rising up a Joseph in the land, I believe it is greater than one person. And when you were supposed to die, America, you will live, because the eargates of America are open to Me, like the eargates of the pharaoh were opened. And the voices from outside, were shut.
I am coming at high officials in the land, I’m coming in their dreams. Just like I came into the dreams of Pharaoh. And they will be distraught! They will be distraught by what I am going to show them!
But the church has the key, just as Joseph had the key to unlock the dream.
The dream of America is not money, it’s Me. I’m restoring the dream. I’m restoring the dream! The dream of worshiping me, says the Lord! The dream of following Me!
This is what I’m going to do. The dreamer will not die. The dreamer will not die! Joseph! You’ve gone through much, but you will not die! There’s a plan. And all the plans of the enemy will fall down. Will fall down before My plan.
My voice, America will listen again.
Restore the dream! Restore the dream. Restore the dream. Of America. It’s Me, the Lord. The Lord.
(When God told me that Joseph was coming, I got the sense that there would be many Josephs raised up. Joseph coming is economic. Increase and exceed.)
—Enrique Morales